Tuesday, February 15, 2022

15/2/2022 Week 7: Response to "Difference in Manners"

 15/2/2022 Week 7: Response to "Difference in Manners"

Response to "Difference in Manners"

As I said before, each culture is very different, and we cannot do things that we think are right for us in other places, because everything we think is right, for other people or culture is not.

Today we are going to talk about Differences in Manners.

From a very young age, our parents try to teach us manners or socially behavior, how we should address others which has to be with respect, and what to do and what not to do, so as not to leave the education that our parents give us in a bad way.


What do you do when someone asks you for something? Do you throw or give the object in their hands?

Well, this simple action could make a difference depending on where you are. For example, in Korea, they give things into people's hands, they don't throw them at someone else. If you live in the United States, you can throw to another person what they need, but if you are in Mexico maybe you can do it with a very close friend but never do this action with your parents or other people because this action is not good, it is rude. People only throw things to animals to play with or feed them. 


With cutlery or without cutlery? When we are going to eat, we need to be well seated, not resting our elbows on the table, and eat with our mouths closed, eating small pieces of food. We never eat with our mouths open or make noises like slurping soup. 

I remember my great grandfather showing me how to use the cutlery, and telling me not to do it with my fingers. Of course, there are foods that we can eat with our fingers like tacos, tostadas, fried chicken, hamburgers, pizza, popcorns, etc. But this is very different in other cultures, some cultures like India, Thailand, and Malaysia eat with the fingers. 

They show us the art to eat with our fingers and show us step by step. Let's see the video.

Another thing you should know is when we finish eating. If you eat at your house it is ok, no problem, but if someone invites you to eat at their house, you must finish all your food (clear your plate) if you do so and someone invites you a second time, and you deny the invitation, they will think that you are ok but you like their food. But if you don't finish all your food and they invite you a second time, and you don't accept they will think that you don't like their food. In China is the opposite, you need to leave some food on your plate.


Good music is fantastic, but when the music is anywhere at any time it is a big problem. I like music, but for me, not for everyone. In my city, especially in my neighborhood, I have many neighbors who play music at any time, it is really a war. One person has electronica, other narcocorridos, other ballads from the '80s, and another bad bunny. This does not allow me to concentrate on my assignments during the day and at the night we cannot sleep because they also have Karaoke. Street parties in some countries are not allowed. People need to rent a special place for parties, but in Mexico, it is very common to close the street to have a big party. 

This and other differences in manners are what we must know and try to understand to avoid misunderstandings and share them with our students so that they know how to act with their classmates or their families.

  • What other differences in Manners do you know?


1) image https://c.tenor.com/Jbs0FzeTXAYAAAAM/hambre-hungry.gif

2) Professor Ivers, BYU Idaho Universityhttps://content.byui.edu/file/3b9f9a3b-1633-41fd-a1cb-371052401ec8/1/Differences%20in%20Manners.html

3)image https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/man-giving-keys-to-someone-picture-id825903232?k=20&m=825903232&s=170667a&w=0&h=19KPHTnFlPdYL2ncBkkyj2O1debGl0DpkSY3nc5bSHE=

4) Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w35vjpmmb8

5) image  https://img.gruporeforma.com/imagenes/960x640/6/30/5029128.jpg


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